




























Part I Vocabulary and Structure(1×40)

DirectionsThere are 40 incomplete sentences in this partFor each sentence there are four choices marked A,B, C and DChoose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet

1Jane hadn't been to London before  ________ had her husband

ANeither          BEither             CSo                DOr


—“I don’t think I can walk any further.

—“______. Let’s stop here for a rest.

A. Neither and I    B.Neither can I    C.I don’t think so     D. I think so


He is not under arrest, ____any restriction on him.

A.or the police have placed  B.or have the police placed

C. nor the police have placed D. nor have the police placed


21. The message is clear: Just as tea and banana cant go together, ______should the son of a low class family expect to marry the daughter of a nobleman.

A.either       B.not      C.neither        D.nor

2No sooner had he arrived in Rome ________  he heard of the good news

Awhen            Bthan              Cthen               DUntil


No sooner had Mrs.Tyler entered the chicken_____a knock at the gate.

A. did she hear    B.then she heard   C.when she heard     D.than she heard


______closed his eyes than the doorbell rang.

A.Hardly had he   B. Scarcely he had   C. No sooner had he    D.As soon as he had


The couple had no sooner got to the station____the coach left.

A. when       B. as         C.until           D. Than


11.Everyone agreed to his suggestion which we should hold a meeting to talk about the problem.

     A                          B       C       D

3I'm for the suggestion that a special board ________ to examine the problem

   Abe set up         Bwill be set up        Cmust be set up       Dhas to he sec up


It is suggested that the regular meeting on Wednesday ____ limited to 20 minutes.

A. were    B. was    C. is    D. Be


16. We are all for your proposal that the discussion ______.

A. be put off  B. was put off    C. should put off   D. is to put off


24. We made the suggestion that he_______ his work

A. continues         B. continue          C. continued         D. had continued


It was recommended that passengers _____ smoke during the light.

A.not   B. need not   C. could not  D. would not

4The disabled children need any thingsbut ________they need love

Afirst of all        Bnot at all            Cafter all            Dall in all


Do you like the book I gave you.

______the novels that I’ve read, I enjoyed this one the most.

A. Of all   B.All of    C.For all    D. From all


5、She possessed a quick mind, a sharp tongue and ____ a strong will.

A. above all    B. first of all   C. most of all  D. Moreover


5.She possessed a quick mind, a sharp tongue and ____a strong will.

A.above all        B.first of all       C. most of all       D. moreover

5The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ________ size

Aformal          Bformer              Clatter              DLater


41.The headquarters of Mr.Zhang’s company was________located in Tianjin.

A.formally   B.firmly   C.formerly   D. fairly

6The football player is hoping to          to another team soon

   Atransfer          Btransport             Ctransplant          DTransact


95.The coming of the railways in the 1830s ________our society and economic life.

A.transmitted   B.transferred   C.transported   D.transformed


11.It was during summer breaks that we first taste the satisfaction work that _____into hard currency.

  A.translates   B.transfers    C. transplants    D. transmits

7_______ the gardenthe old man went to have a rest

   AHaving been watered                       BWatering    

 CHaving watered                           DBeing watered


15.______for many years,the novelist suddenly became well-known all over the country.

A.Having ignored him    B.Having been ignored   C.To have been ignored   D.To be ignored


6.______regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first.

A. Not receive   B. Since receiving   C. Having received  D. Not having received

8Her ________ to the job left her with very little free time

Adevotion         Bfaith                Ctrust              DInterest


37.George took _____of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden.

A.advantage    B.interest   C.charge   D.profit

9The children have been ________ since their father left

Aout of style      Bunder control        Cout of control      Din style


40.His honesty is ________:nobody can doubt it.

A.without question    B.out of question   C.beside the question   D.out of the question

10It is reported ________ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy

Awhich          Bthat                Cwhile            DWhat


It is believed that some illnesses are related to ____ was eaten.

A. which    B. it    C. what    D. that

11The manager promised to keep me ________ of how the project was going on

Abe informed     Binformed            Cinform           DInforming


54.They decided not to make it _______to the customers.

A.knowing    B.knows   C.to know  D.known

12He announced that the company had been transferred to ________ city

Aanother         Bothers              Cthe other        DOne another


29.Dr Dewey has four sons,_______is in London and ______in New York.

A.one;the other   B.one;the others  C.one;another   D.another;ones

13A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught ________ of the hero

Avision          Bview               Csight             Dglance


With such poor_____he really needs glasses.

A. vision    B.view    C.sense     D. scene

14Physics ________ my favorite subjects when I studied in the university

Awere           Bwas                Cis               DAre


It is suggested that the regular meeting on Wednesday ____ limited to 20 minutes.

A. were    B. was    C. is    D. Be

1. A survey of the opinions of students_______ that they also admit several hours of sitting in front of the computer______ harmful for one’s health.

B. A. show; are       B. shows; is       C. show; is       D. shows; are

15________ we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with others

Athen            Bthus               Cwhat             DWhether


_____the 2020 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.

A.Whenever    B.If   C.Whether    D. That

16I will lend you the book ________  for return it to me in time

Aon condition that  Bin case         Cin order that     Dso that


31.He will surely finish the job on time ______ he’s left to do in his own way.

A.in that    B.in case   C.as for as     D. so long as

17Mr brown is supposed to ________ for Italy last month

Abe leaving       Bhave left           Cleave            Dhave been left


22.He is said _______an excellent opera singer in his youth.

A. To be    B.being    C.to have been     D. to having been


40. The ancient Egyptians are supposed ______ rockets to the moon.

B. A. to send                       B. to be sending

C. C. to have sent                   D. to have been sending

18—Did you enjoy the TV program last night? —No________ not

Aparticularly      Bobviously          Csurprisingly       DNormally


37.The girl was _______ a shop assistant;she is now a manager in a large company.

A. normally    B.presumably    C.formally    D.formerly

19We are disappointed the yesterday because it wasn’t such a good dinner ________ she had promised us

Alike            Bas               Cwhich        DWhat


60.It wasn’t not such a good dinner _______ she had promised us.

A.that    B.which    C.as    D. what

20She walked along the path, ________ her daughter close behind

Afollowing       Bfollow            Cto follow          Dwas followed


28._________ any instructions from the Head Office,we couldn’t make any decision.

A. Not receiving   B.Receiving no    C. Not having received    D. Having not received

21She insisted that the seats in the theater ________ in advance to insure better view

Abooked         Bbe booked         Care booked        Dwere to book


10.They insisted that these books _______ at once.

A. should take away    B.would be taken away   C.be taken away     D.take away

25“ ________ everyone’s here” she said“let’s began to discuss the solution to the problems we have found

AAs for as         BNow that         CSo for            DBy for


31.He will surely finish the job on time _______ he’s left to do it in his own way.

A.in that   B.in case    C.as far as     D.so long as


21. Only after a year ____to see the results of my experiment.

A. I began     B. I had begun         C. have I begun  D. did I begin


2._______their policy can be changed, the future for that country will be indeed bleak.

A. Even if        B. Unless       C.Now that         D. As longas

27No matter how ________it’s impossible that he has never lost money

Aa businessman smart is                 Ba businessman is smart       

Csmart is a businessman              Dsmart a businessman is


No matter how difficulty it is, we will get it over.


1.______he always tries his best to complete it on time.

A. However the task is hard          B. However hard the task is  

C. Though hard the task is         D. Though hard is the task

29The classroom is quite clean ________ some waste paper on the floor

Aexcept for        Bbesides           Cexcept           DWithout


74.The big room was almost empty _______ a table or two.

A. besides    B.except    C.in addition to     D. except for


9. He might have been killed_____the timely arrival of  the ambulance.

A. but for  B. except for   C.besides    D. Except


10. He might have been killed_____the timely arrival of  the ambulance.

A. but for  B. except for   C.besides    D. except

30The bad weather ________ the building program by several weeks

Awent on         Bput on            Cset back          Dbuilt up


11.In recent years much more emphasis has been put ______ developing the students

productive skills.

A.onto         B.over            C.in         D.on

31The naturally hope that their choice of the play will be ________ with the school and parents

    Apleasing         Bwelcome          Ckind             Dpopular


The school committee hoped that their choice of play would be____with the students and their parents.

A.recognized         B.popular           C.favorable         D.fascinated

33These tickets for the performance are ________ until it’s very difficult to tell them apart

Aacceptable       Bavailable          Cadvisable         DApplicable


30.Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are _______ in grocery stores.

Aready         B.approachable            Cprobable          Davailable

34Please ________ the water tap when you have finished your washing

ATurn on         BTurn off           CTurn out         DTurn over


29.Fortunately,the demonstration ________ to be quite peaceful.

A.showed up         Bturned out           Cturned in          Dshowed off


11.The new washing machines are_____at the rate of fifty a day.

A. turn up   B. turn down   C. turn on    D. turn in


The Browning have not____yet and I doubt whether they will come.

A.turned in     B. turned out     C. turned up       D. turned to

35Don’t associate with bad boys ________ your whole life will be ruined

Aor              Bbut              Cand              DSo that


8.In the library there are tables,________ you can sit there to read.

A.at which         Bin which            Cwhere         DAnd


20. ——Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight?

——I’d love to. _____I didn’t finish my homework yet.

   A. and           B. so            C. as             D. but

36I shall have a companion in the house after all these ________ years

Aalone           Blonely            Csingle            DSimple


I began to notice her at other times, basketball in hand, playing_____.

A.only    B. lonely    C. simply    D.alone

37You ________ if you had higher score in the examination

Amust have got scholarship               Bwould have got scholarship

Cshould get scholarship                  Dhad got scholarship


40.If the whole operation ________ beforehand,a great deal of time and money would have been lost.

Awas not planned                   Bhad not been

Cwere not planned                  Dhad not been planned

39While studying abroadhe financially depended ________ his wife

Aon              Bof               Cto              Dfrom


Whether we will go hiking or not ______the weather

A.lead to  B. consist in  C. depend on   D.take on

40Only in this way ________ out of the plan

Ayou can talk him                      Bcan you talk him          

Chim you can talk                      Dhim can you talk


19.Only under special circumstance ________ to take make-up tests.

Aare freshmen permitted                  Bfreshmen are permitted

Cpermitted are freshmen                  Dare permitted freshmen


21. Only after a year ____to see the results of my experiment.

A. I began     B. I had begun         C. have I begun  D. did I begin

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