

一、to do结构

1. ask sb to do sth.

2. tell sb to do sth.

3. want sb to do sth.

4. need sb to do sth.

5. wish sb to do sth.

6. invite sb to do sth.

7. expect sb to do sth.

8. force sb to do sth.

9. forbid sb to do sth.

10. plan to do sth.

11. prepare to do sth.

12. promise to do sth.

13. pretend to do sth.

14. refuse to do sth.

15. advise sb to do sth.=advise doing sth.

16. allow sb to do sth.=allow doing sth.

二、ing 结构

1. enjoy doing sth.

2. consider doing sth.

3. finish doing sth.

4. give up doing sth.

5. imagine doing sth.

6. practise doing sth.

7. prevent doing sth.

8. put off doing sth.

9. forbid doing sth.

10. forgive doing sth.

三、既to 又ing

1. remember to do sth.      

    remember doing sth.

2. forget to do sth.

      forget doing sth.

3. regret to do sth.

      regret doing sth.

4. stop to sth.

    stop doing sth.

5. try to do sth.

      try doing sth.  

6. mean to do sth.

mean doing sth.


1. make sb do sth.

2. let sb do sth.

3. have sb do sth.

4. had better do sth.


1. give sb sth=give sth to sb.

2. tell sb sth=tell sth to sb.

3. show sb sth=show sth to sb

4. offer sb sth=offer sth to sb.

5. buy sb sth=buy sth for sb.

六、be 结构

1. be worried about=be anxious about

2. be afraid to do; be afraid of sth.

3. be famous for; be famous as

4. be friendly to

5. be angry with

6. be interested in

7. be ready for

8. be busy doing sth.

9. be careful about.

10. be glad to do.

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