

一、“Either A or B+谓语”结构,谓语取决于B。

   例:Either the students or their teacher dislikes basketball,otherwise they                    

         would take part in the basketball match.


    例如:Do either the students or their teacher dislike basketball?

           Is either he or you going there?


二、“Neither A nor B+谓语”结构,谓语多取决于B。但现代英语也出现复数谓语,

理由是neither A nor B是两部分之和,为复数概念,故其后可用复数谓语。

例如:Neither she nor I was(或were)fortunate enough to gain extra points.


           Neither you nor he does(或do)well in maths.

三、Neither of…接单、复谓(通常视为单数,但在口语中,从意义上亦可视为复数)

      None of…接单、复谓

例:Neither of them is(或are)right.    

         None of you is(或are)fit for the job.

四、 There be 结构中be的形式取决于靠近be的名词,若是单数名词,则be为is/was;


例如:There is a desk,two chairs and three sofas in the room.

         There are three sofas,two chairs and a desk in the room.

五、a group of…,a team of…后跟复谓、单谓皆可,跟复谓的理由是不止一个人,跟单谓的理由是将许多人视为“一组”、“一队”这样的一个单位体。

例如:A group/team of students are /is cleaning the street.

六、像school ,class,family,team,group government等这类群体名词,其后谓语可能是单数形式,也可能是复数形式。通常视其为一个整体单位时,用单数谓语;视其为群体成员时,则用复数谓语。

例如:The class are having a meeting.这个班学生在开会。

         The class is not very big. 这个班不是大班。

         The family enjoy singing and dancing.这家人喜欢唱歌跳舞。

         The family has only three persons.这家只有三口人。

七、像police,clothes,trousers这类复数概念名词,其后总是跟复数谓语。the wounded  



例如:The clothing is very nice.The news is interesting.

         Five articles of clothing are over there.

上一篇: 专升本难度会降低吗?防疫在家该怎么安排每天的复习计划及重点?

下一篇: 在家复习不进去,想要放弃?专升本有什么好处?看完这几点你知道了

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