


  1. 由“to+动词原形”而成的不定式;

  2. 由“动词原形+ing”而成的现在分词或动名词;

  3. 由“动词原形+ed”而成的(包括动词的不规则变化)过去分词。

  非谓语基本形式及在句中的成分一览表(以 do为例) 不定式现在分词动名词过去分词一般式肯定主动to dodoingdoing/被动to be donebeing donebeing donedone否定主动not to donot doingnot doing/被动not to be donenot being donenot being done/进行式肯定主动to be doing///被动/否定主动not to be doing被动/完成式肯定主动to have donehaving donehaving done/被动to have been donehaving been donehaving been done否定主动not to have donenot having donenot having done被动not to have been donenot having been donenot having been done完成进行时肯定主动to have been doing 被动/否定主动not to have been doing 被动/在句中成分主语、宾语、定语、表语、状语、补语、等除谓语之外所有成分定语、表语、状语、补语定语、表语、宾语、主语定语、表语、状语、补语注意:1.过去分词就是表示完成、被动的意义,不及物动词的过去分词只表示完成。不及物动词的不定式,现在分词和动名词没有被动式。


  1.To finish the work on time is not easy.(作主语)



  即It’s not easy to finish the work on time.

  His wish was to become a teacher.(作表语)


  There is nothing to worry about.(作定语)


  He ran to catch the bus. (作状语)


  I want to see the new film.(作宾语)


  He asked me to open the door.(作宾语补足语)



  例:We often hear her sing in the next room.(我们经常听到她在隔壁房间唱歌。)


  例:He was heard to sing in the next room every morning.(明天早晨他总是被听到在隔壁房间唱歌。)


  例:They found it impossible to get everything ready in time.(他们发现及时准备好一切是不可能的。)


  How to get the tickets is a question. (作主语)


  I wonder which to choose. (作宾语)


  The question is who to send the letter. (作表语)


  1. for + 名词(代词)+动词不定式的复合结构

  It is important for us to learn English. (作主语)


  It is for you to decide. (作表语)

  例:While talking with her teacher, she felt nervous.(当与老师讲话时,她感到紧张。);

  On hearing the good news, she jumped up with joy.(她一听到这好消息就高兴地跳起来。)


  Seeing the house on fire, he immediately ran to the phone-box.

  =When he saw the house on fire, he immediately ran to the phone-box.


  Given more time, we could do it better.

  =If we were given more time, we could do it better.



  I am very interested in the interesting story.


  We are all tired of such a tiring question.


  6.现在分词的被动式being done与过去分词的区别。

  现在分词的被动式being done表示正在进行的被动动作,而过去分词则强调已经完成的动作或持续的被动状态。

  The problem being discussed now is very important.


  The problem discussed yesterday was very important.


  I saw many cars being repaired.


  I found the window broken.


  Being cooked, the chicken gave out a wonderful smell.


  Led by the party, we have won great achievements.


  I don’t think it good for you to leave now.(作宾语)


  I have bought the books for you to read.(作定语)




  He lifted a rock only to drop on his own foot.


  He died, only leaving debts.




  I found him coming into the building.

  =I saw that he was coming into the building.


  I found him come into the building.

  =He came into the building, and I saw that.





  Saving money is important.


  To save money now is impossible.


  My favourate sport is skating.


  The first thing for us to do is to improve our pronunciation.


  I love swimming, but I don’t love to swim in this dirty river.



  例如:To live is to struggle.

  Seeing is believing.



  ⑴It is important, It is necessary, It is fitting, It is advisable……等“It is+adj.+(for sb./of sb.)+不定式”的句型中

  ⑵在动词decide, wish, hope, promise, manage, arrange, choose, plan, desire, learn, want, ask, intend, attempt等后用不定式作宾语经把你要读的书买来了。)They handed in the exercises just in time for the teacher to correct.(作状语)(他们及时交了作业以便教师批改。)

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